Fees, Scholarships &Grants
As a private tertiary institution Te Wānanga Takiura, students are required to pay annual fees for their studies.
We believe everyone should have the opportunity to reclaim te Ao Māori, te Reo Māori, Tikanga Māori, and Mātauranga Māori. This page provides information about our fees, available scholarships, and grants to support your learning journey.
Student fees for the year 2025 are as follows:
Rumaki Reo - $7,894.37
Ahurewa 100 - $7,855.33
Ahurewa 200 - $8,103.13
Ahurewa 300 - $7,845.77
EBITE Year 1 - $9,846.31
EBITE Year 2 - $13,948.26
Fees are subject to change on an annual basis. If you are considering enrolling at Te Wānanga Takiura o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa please use these as a guideline only.
Student invoices are processed from the end of January to February of the year of study. Invoices are not accessible before this.
For more information on the breakdown of our student fees please contact us.
Scholarships & Grants
There are a range of scholarships and grants available to help ease the financial load and empower you to focus on your learning.
Discover the opportunities available and see how we can support you in achieving your reo Māori aspirations.
To qualify for iwi scholarships and grants you will need to ensure you are registered with your iwi.
For tauira with connections to Tāmaki Makauraui, a range of grants and scholarships are available to support your reo journey.
“Ko Tāmaki Herenga Waka, Tāmaki Herenga Tangata”
For tauira with connections to Waikato Tainui, a range of grants and scholarships are available to support your reo journey.
“He piko, he taniwha.”
For tauira with connections to Te Tai Tokerau, a range of grants and scholarships are available to support your reo journey.
“E kore taea te ika kia koukou, ki te kore tōna hiore”
For tauira with connections to Tauranga Moana, a range of grants and scholarships are available to support your reo journey.
“Toitū te marae o tangaroa, toitū te marae o tane, toitū te whenua.”
For tauira with connections to Hauraki, a range of grants and scholarships are available to support your reo journey.
“Mai i Te Aroha a uta, ki te tihi o Moehau ki tai”
TeachNZ Scholarships offer incredible opportunities for tauira pursuing a career in teaching, especially those passionate about revitalising te reo Māori and mātauranga Māori.
These scholarships provide financial support and recognise the importance of growing the next generation of kaiako Ao Māori.
Explore how TeachNZ can help you on your journey toward becoming a qualified teacher.
Te Waka Whakarei
Apply by November of the year before:
Pays full fees and $30,000 in allowances each for 3 Years
Total value of over $100,000Te Huawhiti
Apply by October of the year before
Pays full fees and $30,000 in allowances each for 3 Years
Total value of over $100,000Te Tipu Whakarito
Apply by February of the same year
Pays full fees and $10,000 in allowances spread over the 3 years
Total value of close to $30,000Te Hauarau
Pays course fees to study an approved teaching qualification
An allowance of NZD$10,000 over the period of your study (limited to 4 years).Te Kupe - mō te Hunga Māori, Pasifika Whiwhinga Toa
Pays course fees to study an approved teaching qualification
An allowance of NZD$15,000 over the period of your study (limited to 3 years)
A prestigious Kupe Keepsake – a reminder of your commitment to charting new territory and of our commitment to helping you succeed.
Loans & Allowance
StudyLink and Fees Free can help make your journey at Te Wānanga Takiura more affordable. StudyLink offers student loans and allowances, while the Fees Free initiative may cover your final year of study if you’re eligible. The Training Incentive Allowance (TIA) is a benefit from Work and Income that helps pay for study-related costs. It can help with fees, books, equipment, travel, and childcare.
Check your eligibility and take the first step toward your reo Māori and tikanga goals with financial support.