Te Whare Pukapuka
Mai i te kōpae ki te urupā, tātau ako tonu ai.
Our Whare Pukapuka exists to tautoko all of our learners here at Takiura.
We work at various kōeke (levels), from those who are starting their te reo journey in the Rumaki Reo akomanga, to our Ahurewa Tohu Paetahi Ako (our Kura Kaupapa Māori Pouako), and our Tohu Paerua Toitupu Tāporo Reo Māori (Master’s level).
Ahakoa he iti he pounamu.
Our māra rauemi is cultivated with a specific Māori motuhake āhuatanga designed to show manaaki to our hāpori ako.
While we cannot boast of the size of our collection, our kohinga is tended with care and designed to serve all tāngata on their learning journey. We are always responsive to and appreciate your feedback.
We vary from a public library in that we hold a range of specific learning and teaching rauemi for our trainee pouako, with many historical documents – as would be expected due to our foundation pou, the whānau Williams.
Our tauira hail from ngā hau e whā, nō reira, a bit focus in our mahi is te mahi tūhono ki tō taonga tuku iho me tō papa kāinga. We will support you in that journey through our knowledge of navigating databases and national resources. We also have a bookable room for your study ropū. If you require assistance with any learning struggles kaua e whakamā (don’t be shy), kōrero mai! We are here to help.
Nau mai, haere mai ki tō Whare Pukapuka. We look forward to meeting you in the first couple of weeks of term orientation with your pouako, at this time you can choose to join our service.
Ko koe te pito mata, kōrero mai koe ki a mātou i ō pīrangi. You are the potential, talk to us about your needs.
Fleur Coleman, Kaitiaki Whare Pukapuka – fleurc@twt.ac.nz
Celess Eparaima, Kaiāwhina Whare Pukapuka
Haora Tūwhera
Rāhina 9am – 4:30pm
Rātū 9am – 4:30pm
Rāapa 9am – 4:30pm
Rāpare 9am – 4:30pm
Rāmere 9am – 4:30pm